Web Development


We are a team of professional designers with years of experience.

Our goal is to help clients create unique and competitive products that achieve their dreams and goals. With our professional skills and enthusiasm, we will continue to lead clients beyond their expected goals and create products that have a real impact.

User Experience

We don't just design beautiful interfaces. Instead, we focus on creating an excellent user experience and providing business value. We use requirements as a filter, carefully plan, repeatedly test and verify user behavior, and build a reasonable, complete, and user-satisfying product framework.

Interface Design

A good interface design can make it easier for users to achieve their operational goals. Through an interface with high readability and clear feedback, we can guide users to use the product more smoothly. At the same time, through concise and practical visual language, we can also clearly convey the brand image and value proposition to users.

Product Launch Optimization

Did you know that product launch is just the beginning? Tectom invites you to join the journey of product iteration, improve your product with data observation and optimization.

What we do



Early-stage discussion and planning are critical to the success of a project, much like preparing ingredients is to cooking a perfect dish.

User research

Through qualitative/quantitative research, including card sorting, function analysis, persona prototyping, user journey, scenario and other methods, we gain indepth understanding of user needs.


We will design components and interface UI layout according to the Design Guideline, and make detailed annotations, final artwork, and cut graphics.

Confirm visual style

We will confirm the client's brand tone and visual style, and propose a color plan.

Web development

Confirm the operational details of the product through wireframe design, flow chart planning, interaction and operation definition, operation logic writing, data field confirmation, API discussion, etc.

User Feedback Observation

Monitor user feedback and app rating to understand their true thoughts.

Your business deserves a better website

Get in touch - let's start a new project!