Mobile App Development|Love You, Dad – SparkAR

手機應用程式開發|Love You, Dad – SparkAR

Case overview




Sep 2020

2020 09 28 上午11.27.26

Father’s Day project in partnership with “好習慣” Love You, Dad, Adopting the AR system SparkAR that can be used on Facebook and IG, Interesting filters created

The special effects were inspired by a humorous picture circulating on the Internet, in which a daughter carved I Love MY DAD on her father’s car. Users can also use AR to paste the words “Love Dad” on the car or any flat surface, and then send it to the father. However, This time dad’s car doesn’t need to be messed up anymore
In addition to flat stickers, SparkAR can also detect expressions, and has powerful functions such as facial makeup, virtual background, and picture detection.
In just one day, it can reach tens of thousands of users, which is a good helper for publicity.
The above special effects are now available, you are welcome to try them out for yourself

Mobile App Development|Love You, Dad – SparkAR

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