Mobile App Development|Website Development|Cityplaza X StoryTeller AR

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Case overview

Cityplaza X StoryTeller

Sep 2021

Service Offerings

WhatsApp Image 2021 07 06 at 3.09.24 PM

Cityplaza X StoryTeller AR

Cityplaza takes “LIVE HAPPY” as an extension of “Happy Awareness” as the theme and organizes related themed art activities. Among them, StoryTeller teamed up with local illustrator Tio to create “Happy Pictures”. Techtom provides the latest WEB-AR technology. Through a mobile phone, you can point the web page to the exclusive image, and use AR technology to combine reality with illustration animation and play the “識放快樂” animated short film.

Mobile App Development|Website Development|Cityplaza X StoryTeller AR

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